My last day of high school was a Thursday. My mother, one of several accomplished hoteliers and caterers in our family, had arranged that I would start apprenticeship at the Tropical African Dream Hotel in Malindi. Apprentices at the hotel …
I left Malindi, where I grew up for a major part of my life on January 6th 2000. I knew that moving to the great big city – at a time that my parents had different ideas of what I …
Over the last couple days, (well, mostly yesterday) I took up the effort of trying to find out just how many ICU Beds we have in Kenya. The findings so far were discouraging: Kenyatta National Hospital (top referral hospital in …
In my blogpost from two days ago, I made some proposals for a concerted effort to make the northern frontier of Kenya more secure – from Lokichoggio and Sibiloi in the Northwest to Pokot and Marsabit slightly further south to …
147 people lost their lives in Garissa two days ago. I do not feel capable of speaking to that incredible loss. What is there to say, I could reiterate like Boniface Mwangi that Corruption killed them. I could pontificate about …