It has been a while since I last blogged. While I was away, I have done important things: First, I went back into the private sector from a two-year stint in the civil society and a previous two-year stint in …
Al Kags Articles.
Today the new Chief Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga, only one week old at the helm of the Judiciary signed up on Twitter and Facebook, rounding off the week in a now-characteristic refreshing way. His foray into social media is refreshing …
PIVOT25: East Africa’s Biggest Mobile Tech Event from Pivot25 Conference on Vimeo.
I yesterday posted a disturbed email to a listserve called ConcernedKenyanWriters and an interesting discussion ensued that helped me to clarify my position on the question of men and boys development in society today. Because of its importance, I have …
Its been a while since I blogged. During this period of silence I have been pondering a whole bunch of critical questions. These include:- 1. As the Connected Kenya conference came to an end a couple weeks back, what is …