I have recently been reawakened to the fact that the world is changing – at far more profound ways that I was aware of when I took my sabbatical from the information world in 2006. The major catalyst to this realisation …
Al Kags Articles.
It has been a while since I last blogged. While I was away, I have done important things: First, I went back into the private sector from a two-year stint in the civil society and a previous two-year stint in …
Today the new Chief Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga, only one week old at the helm of the Judiciary signed up on Twitter and Facebook, rounding off the week in a now-characteristic refreshing way. His foray into social media is refreshing …
PIVOT25: East Africa’s Biggest Mobile Tech Event from Pivot25 Conference on Vimeo.
I yesterday posted a disturbed email to a listserve called ConcernedKenyanWriters and an interesting discussion ensued that helped me to clarify my position on the question of men and boys development in society today. Because of its importance, I have …