Today I attended a wonderful ceremony – a Gikuyu traditional dowry negotiation. In this age, such things as dowry have been given bad connotations laced with greed, backwardness and a lack of regard for human life (particularly that of the …
Al Kags Articles.
A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend half an hour with a 85 year old man who moved to Washington DC in August 1980 – the very month I was born. I had just finished a …
This week, my friend Caroline Mutoko was appointed to the Chair of the Kenya Tourism Development Corporation, a little known state corporation that is involved with the development of tourism in Kenya. Essentially, the Authority is meant to do the …
Today I had the privilege of speaking to Certified Public Accountants at the Annual Conference of ICPAK in Mombasa. The topic that I was asked to speak on was Business Intelligence as a driver for business growth. The presentation I …
I have just returned to Kenya from a week-long trip to Washington DC, where I attended the International Open Government Data Conference (See the liveblog) that was co-hosted by the World Bank Group and the US Open Data Initiative, dubbed …