Al Kags Articles.
A few weeks ago, I wondered on this blog why it is that the Kenyan ICT industry, advanced as it is, is based in the city of Nairobi. I suggested an initiative to begin to develop ICT communities in other …
I am really excited. Just yesterday, I was speaking at a conference organised by Development Initiatives in Nairobi, where Civil Society Oorganisations were thinking through how to work with Kenya Open Data Initiative, how they can use it and add …
Its early days yet. The elections in Kenya are still about 100 days away – and I havent even registered as a voter (that happens on the 19th of November and I will be there bright and early to pick …
Silvio Berlusconi is back in Malindi, after being sentenced to four years in Prison. He is sure to rue the day he was born now…! The Huffington post reports that it is merely a “Healthy retreat” because he is “tired”. Quite understandable …