Oprah Winfrey is the one Dem that can unify them all I am an ardent follower of US politics and current affairs because I am not as invested in the US as I am in Kenyans politics. You see, the …
Al Kags Articles.
Lately, I have been reading the legendary philanthropist, Bill Gate’s personal blog, which is called Gates Notes. How is he writing so often? He is so prolific in talking about his work and experiences and I wonder where he finds …
With all the stories of corruption, misuse of funds and misalignment with citizen priorities, paying my taxes just feels aweful, less like “kujitegemea” and more like “kujikandamiza”. I have paid my taxes though so that I can have the confidence …
Imagine this: you wake up in the morning and go brush your teeth. As you do, you are scrolling through the latest news in social media and news. You sit to take your morning pee and your loo analyses it …
Should Citizen Generated Data be official? If not, does it make it any less essential? There is a tension that has existed in the past few years about the co-existence of official statistics on the one hand and citizen generated …