For better or worse, we have a new government and almost certainly, we shall see new leadership for many of the parastatals. One hopes that in the new administration, the new leaders will feel like they have something to prove. …
Al Kags Articles.
My friend, Alex Howard from O’Reilly Radar, asked me a question in September last year that I have wrestled with since: “What are the lessons learnt from the Kenya Open Data Initiative experience?” I have wrestled with this question all of this time because …
My friend Stephen Derwent Partington asked me to post this on my blog (Squatting has taken on a new meaning I think – you heard it coined here first: Blog-Squatting) and since he’s so smart and I have to increase the …
This man Sonko. That he has had three blog posts on this blog, (this being the third after this one and this one), must say that he is making an impact – especially if you examine the changing tone of …
A few weeks ago, I wondered on this blog why it is that the Kenyan ICT industry, advanced as it is, is based in the city of Nairobi. I suggested an initiative to begin to develop ICT communities in other …