A few days ago, I had the opportunity to hang out with Arizona State Representative, Stephanie Mach, in a session where she talked about herself and her life’s work as a State Rep for District 10. She took time off …
The end of 2013 has come and this is among my very last blogposts of the year 2013. I find that I must end it with an endorsement for Google – specifically Google Apps for Business and an unfortunate demerit …
Today, I saw this permit that is required when one wants to host a party during this festive season. I think its a good thing that the government through Nacada has moved to regulate recklessness during this festive season and …
The VAT Act became law in Kenya and was implemented in the past two weeks. With it, came an increase in a number of daily necessities that have seen major changes in my house. These commodities include Milk and Newspapers …
This article was published this past Sunday in the Daily Nation (Kenya). Last week I attended the admission into the roll of advocates of 72 new lawyers presided over by the Chief Justice of Kenya Dr Willy Mutunga. At the …