My friend, who writes the #PassionatelyKenyan blog is also an ex-youth like me – she is my age. She is a C-level executive for a large government organisation and I can tell you for sure, she has come a looong way. Here’s …
My last day of high school was a Thursday. My mother, one of several accomplished hoteliers and caterers in our family, had arranged that I would start apprenticeship at the Tropical African Dream Hotel in Malindi. Apprentices at the hotel …
I am saddened that my first post of 2012 is a dismayed one, but I am so surprised and dismayed that I must post this. Stephan Magdalinski, the CEO of Mocality has posted a very serious charge that Google has …
I have today become aware of a case that has been filed in court by Paul Muite and others against a political activist, Moses Kuria. In the case, Mr. Kuria is sued for defaming Paul Muite, Njonjo Mue and others, …