bespoke/bɪˈspəʊk/ . adjectiveBRITISH adjective: bespokemade for a particular customer or user. “a bespoke suit” Let me tell you something about me. I am a decidedly big bespoke customer. I like all of my services to be tailor-made to me. I …
My friend, who writes the #PassionatelyKenyan blog is also an ex-youth like me – she is my age. She is a C-level executive for a large government organisation and I can tell you for sure, she has come a looong way. Here’s …
This is a twitter exchange between a concerned customer and Safaricom’s customer care – in Sheng, a Kenyan mixture of English and Swahili. The Safaricom customer care rep had an option to respond in formal language as most customer care …
The VAT Act became law in Kenya and was implemented in the past two weeks. With it, came an increase in a number of daily necessities that have seen major changes in my house. These commodities include Milk and Newspapers …
For better or worse, we have a new government and almost certainly, we shall see new leadership for many of the parastatals. One hopes that in the new administration, the new leaders will feel like they have something to prove. …