Amenipa Juju! Ah, who would have thought that I would have to face these issues, today? After all these years of being decidedly single and unwilling to mingle that way. All these years of being the the third leg, who …
Al Kags Articles.
Author Dr. Myles Monroe Eagles fly alone at a high altitude and not with sparrows or mix with other smaller birds. Birds of a feather flock together. No other bird goes to the height of the eagle. Eagles fly with …
By Al Kags The World Economic Forum in conjunction with the INSEAD institute every year compiles a ranking of countries that measures “the degree of preparedness of a nation of community to participate in and benefit from ICT developments.” This …
Preferably white, old, part of old boy’s clubs in the UK (an Ol’ chappy) and the US (an Ol’ Boy), male (duh!?) and ready to try out a new “exotic” writer’s market. Or so I was told at the last …
For a long time, I have said away from the netter’s scene. There was a time when like clockwork, everyday I would deposit some ramblings of some sort online on the issues of the day in Kenya. Eventually, I got …