Al Kags Articles.
The most basic responsibility of a patriot is to vote, when the time comes. But the growth and prosperity of a nation require more than just making a choice – it also requires that a citizen actively and objectively comments …
I have just learnt that my friend Isis Nyong’o (@inyongo), formerly the Google Business Development Manager has been appointed VP & Managing Director of inmobi Africa. In the Press release, it was said that has come on board to drive InMobi’s …
In Solidarity with Egyptians, and with the blogger, Sandmokey (of the Suspended – who on twitter can be followed on @sandmonkey), I am posting this essay below by Sandmonkey. It tells of the current state of egypt. Al Kags …
Nokia, was yesterday pronounced the 4th most sustainable company in the world in the 7th Annual rankings by Corporate Knights, a Toronto based media company. Sustainability is a blurred term to most of the world and Corporate Knights have adopted …