Lately, I have been asked to contribute thought to managers on the subject of social media. Is it an annoying distraction propagated by a group of unfocused, flighty youth who have no social skills and who cannot spell to save …
Al Kags Articles.
Elizabeth II is celebrating 60 years of her reign of the United Kingdom and its 15 territories. I have no real idea how this affects me – certainly it has not direct bearing in my life that I can see, …
I am sitting in at Ataturk Airport in Turkey on an eight-hour overlay. I am headed to Chisinau, Moldova (Its a small Eastern European country that used to be part of the USSR in the bad old days). Today, Moldova …
It really has been a long time since I last blogged. So as I start again, lets get you caught up on whats been up Nowadays, I ride a bicycle to work and back – when it isn’t raining. I …
Whether one liked him or not, Hon. John N. Michuki had one admirable reputation. He worked hard, was clear about his own beliefs and stood firmly for them and spoke his mind clearly. You knew where he stood on an …