Today I had the good fortune of spending some quality time with a young lady who I work with closely. In the discussion that we had, I learnt that we as a country (and maybe globally) – certainly those of …
Al Kags Articles.
I trudge alone, Though it doesn’t seem so, From the day I left her house of warmth Amidst tears and fervent protestations I was shoved out into this cold bitter path In which i trudge alone. Onward i am forced …
In my blogpost from two days ago, I made some proposals for a concerted effort to make the northern frontier of Kenya more secure – from Lokichoggio and Sibiloi in the Northwest to Pokot and Marsabit slightly further south to …
147 people lost their lives in Garissa two days ago. I do not feel capable of speaking to that incredible loss. What is there to say, I could reiterate like Boniface Mwangi that Corruption killed them. I could pontificate about …
Larry Madowo has spoken on digital migration and as a Kenyan (who is a big Larry Madowo fan), I am perplexed. For one, I am perplexed at his tone. As a public personality myself (okay, just on social media – …