I often enjoy listening to the BBC World Service in traffic as a means of engaging my mind. I started listening to the World Service while I was still living in that servant’s quarter room I told you about earlier. …
When I was in my early 20s, I was very angry person. It didn’t take much to get me to fly off the handle and over-react with wild gesticulations and loud admonitions. A small slight would cause me to shout …
Over the last couple days, (well, mostly yesterday) I took up the effort of trying to find out just how many ICU Beds we have in Kenya. The findings so far were discouraging: Kenyatta National Hospital (top referral hospital in …
He expected it to feel like something… well, different. It was his first time, she was sitting next to him laughing that wise, knowing laughter of hers, having just taken his virginity. He expected to be soaring, flying doing something …
By Al Kags (First Published in the Standard) Nairobi — Despite the encouraging news about improved conditions, Kenyan prisons still have a long way to go. This verbatim account narrated to AL KAGS by an inmate who spent 12 days in …