The Vice President and his team have wasted millions of Kenya shillings to go to the UN security council to ask them to support (read:authorise) the deferral of the ICC case against the Ocampo 6, who are expected to start answering to charges on April 6th. At the UN Security Council, they have their answer.
In his submissions, Hon. Musyoka states (and in brackets this blogger replies)
- That Kenya is not a failed state and can handle cases such as these (of course it can. Lets go ahead and set up the local mechanisms needed to do so – you know with 2012 coming up, the priority is going to shift so that the politician go on the campaign trail – which they already have).
- That the deferral is necessary to allow for the Ocampo 6 to stand trial on Kenyan soil. (Here, Kalonzo looses me. We have no guarantees that the local mechanisms will be set up on time. We have to wait and see whether the local mechanisms will be trustable and bold enough to take the big fish on and that it will be free of “technicality manipulation”. Also, we are signatories to the ICC and that makes it our court.)
It is really important for Kenyan VP, Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka to wake up and take not of the people’s preference on the ICC issue and it is important for him, President Mwai Kibaki and others to understand where the Kenyans stand on the issue of justice for the post-election violence. Stated simply, Kenyans want the ICC process to continue as the local mechanism is put in place – the two are not mutually exclusive.
Mr. Musyoka, there are many other perpetrators of the Post-election violence apart from the 6 headliners so we shall expect the local mechanism to deal with them. But we have waited five years. no more waiting.