In the course of my journey, in which I reflect on my adult life, these past 18 years or so, I open up my blog to my friends, who also share their #OdeToYouth. Today, my friend Lilian Okado, reminds us …
Last time I was in Chi Town was 19 years ago. It was a defining moment in my life. I arrived here to visit family and friends and research on Lupus as I had just been diagnosed and my friend …
My inspiration today comes from the story of Kenyan Gold Medalist Jemimah Sumgong, who during the London Marathon, fell and banged her head, got up, caught up to the leading runners 30m ahead of her and passed them. But that was not …
Guest blogger, my friend from Passionately Kenyan just sent me the blog that I could never have written better. Lesson 10 of the #OdeToYouth series. You are in your mid 20’s or early 30’s. You have a job. You have a …
At some point when I was in my twenties, I did very many jobs – at one time, I had five jobs: I was working in a small consulting firm business from 7am-4pm, a cyber cafe (they were necessary and mainstream those …