By Wandia Gichuru / Adapted from her Nation Interview with Thomas Rajula (June 30, 2015) I was 21 when I graduated from university, so I spent most of my 20s working. My first real job was in Montreal, Canada. More than …
I often enjoy listening to the BBC World Service in traffic as a means of engaging my mind. I started listening to the World Service while I was still living in that servant’s quarter room I told you about earlier. …
Lately, my mind has been pre-occupied with tourism in Kenya and its very worrying trends. Much of my childhood was spent in Malindi at the coast of Kenya. My family’s primary occupation was tourism but everyone in Malindi depends on …
At some point when I was in my twenties, I did very many jobs – at one time, I had five jobs: I was working in a small consulting firm business from 7am-4pm, a cyber cafe (they were necessary and mainstream those …
When I was in my early 20s, I was very angry person. It didn’t take much to get me to fly off the handle and over-react with wild gesticulations and loud admonitions. A small slight would cause me to shout …