Is right or wrong standard or relative?

  1. Let me attempt, as a born again Christian:

    First being born again is the biggest mystery, because whereas one might not feel different, there is an actual rebirth of the spirit, and as we all know, a human being is a spiritual being. Once we understand this, then you actually feel different, that the real you is ‘anew’ =born again. One then starts craving the things of God, righteousness, being good to others, showing kindness, etc, things that make God happy. Likewise, things that are ‘not of God’ = sin, begin to loose appeal.

    To many people, beer or alcohol is associated with sin, perhaps as a result of impaired judgement due to drunkenness. It is important though, to realize that people are brought up differently, and to some, wine/’a’ beer is an aide to digestion, or a social drink taken in a respectful atmosphere, hence , there is no association with sin.

    For all of us, born again and yet-to-be-born-again, the important thing is not what we eat or drink, it is our actions and our attitudes. God looks at the heart, and many who call themselves Christians (God help us all!) are merely noisemakers, for God knows who we trully are.

    Having a relationship with God is setting things in your life on the right track, and trusting God to see you through. It is a beautiful experience.

  2. I say put it in prayer and study the Word.Listening to people will always get you in trouble!

  3. Doing right is a standard. Theres only truth as God sees it, yet theres a lot of things that many of us Christians set up because sometimes its easier to follow rules, the pharisees were faulted for it. As mwari said when you become born again and youre seeking his way, God deals with the stuff he doesnt want. It may be drink, it may even be tv ,books,daydreams! whatever it is that pulls you away from him or his purposes he will stive to set right.
    but as acolyte said I think Youd also have to read his word and find out for yourself. Its all in there. It would be cool if you knew a Christian leader who could help you along but at the end of it, all of us, humans are fallible.
    You read, see what the bible says about drink or drunkeness about where our hearts should be, about the things that may be permissible but not beneficial and how our actions affect not only our relationship with God but also other people.

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