Al Kags Articles.

Should Citizen Generated Data be official? If not, does it make it any less essential? There is a tension that has existed in the past few years about the co-existence of official statistics on the one hand and citizen generated …

In recent years, as I have continued to grow older, I have endeavoured to eat healthier consistently. The journey started when I attended a 10 week lifestyle modification course called Eat, Live & Be Well, that is ran by Dr. …

Last year, I attended the very successful Africa Open Data Conference and there I said some things that I was later told are unpopular within the Open Data industry – particularly in the civil society. On reflection, I find that …

Having been involved in promoting the Open Government Partnership over the past couple of years in Africa, I have had a couple of experiences that have introduced a nagging worry at the back of my head that has continued to grow. Today, …