Oprah Winfrey is the one Dem that can unify them all I am an ardent follower of US politics and current affairs because I am not as invested in the US as I am in Kenyans politics. You see, the …
Of blogging and how past practices could be useful in making a happy future. I have lately been encouraging many members of my staff to start blogging and to make it a habit to demonstrate their growth by simply documenting …
Hello. I am all for gadgets – everyone knows I am crazy about getting the latest of everything. I never thought I might draw the line somewhere but HERE I draw the line. Smart Toilets? No, sir. Suddenly google knows …
Recently, I saw a Facebook post by Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko and I sympathised with him. I generally have not had very high thoughts of Mr. Sonko and I have written about my varying views of him here and here …
40 people lost their lives in one place, at almost the same time – for most of them, minutes apart. Their lives literally went up in smoke at Karai, leaving countless others bereft. From that horrific event, the news took …