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2019. What’s new?

2019 New year greeting card with fireworks. Minimalist style, geometric thin outline. Vector, eps.10

The year is 2019 and I have taken a long vacation – the longest in a while. I am just getting back to work and life today and I have many thoughts that are banging about my head – with no specific thread. I was recently asked what my resolutions were and to the chagrin of the person who asked, I had none.

I have never really been one for new year resolutions – I am usually just going on with my plans as before. But this year, I would like to do a couple of things, so help me God.

  1. I would really like to create more – I find that I have no time usually to write (my favorite means of creation) or to record stories of real people. This year, I want to rededicate myself to recording stories and sharing them in ways that are useful. I hope I will find people who will work with me to achieve this – I cannot do it alone.
  2. This year, I would like to get out more meaningfully. Apart from conferences and meetings, it is rare to find me at social (or even business gatherings) that have no major purpose other than social interaction. So expect to see me more at your poetry and music events, writers workshops, thinking festivals and the like.
  3. This year, I want to make the life of 5 young people different in a fundamental and meaningful way. I have ideas around what this looks like and you will hear more about these later.
  4. I want to dedicate myself more to fairness, to openness, to better relationships and to speaking up for people who need it.

I have some thoughts about Kenya, Africa and the world’s development but I think let’s keep those discussions for later shall we?

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