The most basic responsibility of a patriot is to vote, when the time comes. But the growth and prosperity of a nation require more than just making a choice – it also requires that a citizen actively and objectively comments on the day to day running of his nation, and most importantly, that s/he get his/her hands directly involved.
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I have just learnt that my friend Isis Nyong’o (@inyongo), formerly the Google Business Development Manager has been appointed VP & Managing Director of inmobi Africa. In the Press release, it was said that has come on board to drive InMobi’s …
At the Open Institute we are keen to add value to the public discussions on current issues by providing data at the very least. Today, we are happy to release the #KCPETrends web app that allows people to find out …
It was time. She was alone. She has lived well. Her dress is long and white Her dreadlocks are long and tied. The light slowly comes on and she knows he’s here The time to dance has come. She’s ready. …