In this blogpost, I decided to be a bit presumptive – to pronounce myself on the idea of decolonising development (and by extension, philanthropy) and to make comments on Hewlett Foundation’s Transparency Participation and Accountability Strategy for the coming five …
Al Kags Articles.

A couple of weeks ago, there was an article in the Business Daily that has costed me many nights of sleep and much consternation. That report has been a major distraction in my mind these past couple of weeks that …

Last year, I attended the very successful Africa Open Data Conference and there I said some things that I was later told are unpopular within the Open Data industry – particularly in the civil society. On reflection, I find that …

Note from me: I usually write about work stuff on the websites of the organisations that I represent – and that is because necessarily the views that I blog about there, align with the views of the organisation that I …

I have just started the six-week academic sessions of the Washington Fellowship at the Arizona State University. During this time, I shall spend my time learning and considering many aspects of civic leadership and most of all, I shall be …