A couple of weeks ago, there was an article in the Business Daily that has costed me many nights of sleep and much consternation. That report has been a major distraction in my mind these past couple of weeks that …
I have the good fortune of having lived four decades and with the age, I accumulated the experiences to give me the benefit of hindsight and some nuggets of foresight. I would not imply that these (the hindsight and foresight) …
This may well be my shortest blogpost this year. It is late at night as I quickly jot it down and I have had a long day – and another tough one is waiting for me tomorrow. I was having …
In my last blog post, I intimated that our organisation, The Open Institute, has resolved to close our offices and for all of our staff to work from home. Based on this, I talked about my considering to move to …
2021 is promising to be a year of some fundamental changes for me. It started with our organisation implementing a decision for our team to permanently work from home, as a means for us to stay safe, but also for …