Last year, I attended the very successful Africa Open Data Conference and there I said some things that I was later told are unpopular within the Open Data industry – particularly in the civil society. On reflection, I find that …
By Wandia Gichuru / Adapted from her Nation Interview with Thomas Rajula (June 30, 2015) I was 21 when I graduated from university, so I spent most of my 20s working. My first real job was in Montreal, Canada. More than …
In the course of my journey, in which I reflect on my adult life, these past 18 years or so, I open up my blog to my friends, who also share their #OdeToYouth. Today, my friend Lilian Okado, reminds us …
It has been a while since I last posted something on this series that I started months ago. The delay is a combination of things – the difficulty of managing an ever demanding schedule of two leadership jobs, of learning, of …
Last time I was in Chi Town was 19 years ago. It was a defining moment in my life. I arrived here to visit family and friends and research on Lupus as I had just been diagnosed and my friend …