I contend that the Worldcoin Deception is possibly the worst, most intrusive privacy hack of human beings that entirely contradicts the good claims it makes for humanity's future.
I don’t like Babu Owino, MP. I think that he is the manifest emblem of a sophisticated hooligan. Babu has gotten away with a lot of reckless speech throughout his tumultuous career. I find it supremely difficult to assign him …
This is likely to turn out to be one of the worse written blog posts. I am writing it while having experienced many highs and lows in the last couple of days, and I have yet to process them fully. …
Yesterday, there were demonstrations across Kenya that left at least six people dead. We have had maandamano before in Kenya, led by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga. The previous ones were focused on Nairobi predominantly as Hon. Odinga and his …
The Maono Space experiment seems to be working. We could not be more excited. I moved to Malindi in December 2020, and I wrote blog posts about how different things are here. How so many people are going through life …